Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top Five Post from Other Blogs

Just a short post, I don't mean to spam everyone with three posts in just as many days but I wanted to try doing this myself. This is my part in the Top Ten Favorite Dog Posts Challenge by Dancing Dog Blog. Now I can understand why the bloogers that took part thought it was hard. I follow a lot of blogs but here are five posts that stood out this year

the Ins and Outs of language for 2011 by BAD RAP

The small fearful dog therapist by Kenzo the Hovawart

It's Harder Than It Looks by Rolling Dog Ranch

This one was very touching, and just proves how strong dogs really are and how even something like cerebellar hypoplasia doesn't stop them

Dog training in the real world by Fearfuldogs' Blog

Appetite Satiated At Last by The long and short of it all
this post was where Joeys owner let everyone in the dachshund world know that Joey was finally fully on the mend.

Alright, I'm done! I'm pretty sure I'm repeating myself but have a Happy New Year!


Beyond the Dog Dish said...

I am really enjoying this new list idea of Kenzo's. I am meeting new bloggers and through their top 5 list finding more yet again! Good picks.

Team Kenzo said...

It is absolutely thrilling to read you have "the small fearful dog therapist" in your top 5. I am starting to grasp how many people where touched by this story, thank you!

I just dropped in through the linky list and visit your blog for the first time. Glad to get to "know" you! It is a great list you have there. Fearfuldogs' "dog training in the real world" is also one of my favs (almost everything she writes actually is)

PS @MissKodee I cannot take credit for the list. It is the idea from Mary from dancingdogblog.

Mariodacat said...

Nice post friend. It's always nice to meet new friends.

Mary Haight said...

Hi and nice to meet you! Thanks for joining the Linky list on this - helps us all meet other great bloggers in the pet niche!

Happy New Year!

HH and The Boys said...

Very nice to have recommendations for good blogs. Nice post pal.

Pawhugs , Max