Sheba was one gorgeous pooch, and all the pictures I could find doesn't do her looks justice and even our Wilson knew it. He may have barked at her, but he was wagging his tail to let her know that he agreed that she was a very pretty lady.
I got to bark at them a whole lot..... But Anyways! I got to be friends with Sissy, a smooth hair dachshund too. Excitement! Her mommy had better tasting treats then my mom did though. Mom says thats because she gives me healthy treats, of all the nerve.....Those bacon thingies that Sissy got where gooood.
Anywho, it was great and I had a lot of fun and can't wait for the next level training course in a few weeks.
Mom has a digital camera... Oh no. There goes my days of privacy.... Oh well, all in the life of a good looking dude such as myself. For now I'll just play with the cat and hide from mommy when she has the flashy thing out.
Ps. Mom says her carpet isn't pink/purple. She still has to learn how the camera works. Whatever. Later days!!!