1. Wilson has to lose weight. I just weighed him at 20.4 pounds, I'm no vet or breed specialist but thats a lot for a tweenie dachshund. I have my grandma staying with my family right now and she has a bad habit of feeding him (in good grandma fashion I suppose) a little extra from her plate when no one is looking. I will prescribe more walkies I guess.
2. To solve or at least limit his 'fear-aggression' and his over the top house protectiveness. Fear aggression just takes time, training, consistency and patience. My friends say he is already noticeably better then last year which I am thankful for, but I want him to trust more in me and be less afraid of people and other dogs, whether inside the house or out.
3. Next year I want to be able to help out a shelter and be a doggie foster parent (Number 2 resolution has to be mostly complete for this to happen. I want Wilson to be a den dad to any fosters I take and he needs to be able to accept another dog in our home). I already have done my research and have picked out three possible shelters, everything else must come together now.
So Wilson, what about you? What are your New Years resolutions?
First off, I had no idea what these resolutions are. Second off I'm not fat! OUTRAGE!
Anyways, I asked Mindy the cat what these resolutions are and she in all her catwisdom told me they are a goal that humans set for themselves that they normally break or forget and don't complete by the next month. Very odd, but oh wells. So here I go.
1. I will loose weight.
2. I will not bark at these strangers at the door even when mom tells me to stop.

3. I will stop bothering Mindy.
4. I will loose a large amount of body fat, this will be done by not giving the 'Im starving so feed me' look to everyone that I'm not barking it.
4. I will no longer sneak into the kitchen when no one is looking and try to steal things off the counter or vacuum up any dropped food on the floor.
Yup I already foresee this being a great year